It's been awhile! And I knew it had been awhile when I logged in to this blog but I just went into my post history and... it's been like an entire month. WwwwwHOOPS. Well I, just here and now, decided I have no more rules for this thing. I could post next week, I could post next month, I could post another post later tonight. That means you may now lower your expectations immediately and enjoy whatever pops up from time to time :) It was a cute idea and maybe someday I will have the mental stamina to keep up with those precious weekly posts but...NO MORE RULES. (Note: one rule: video every month... Luke's 5 month vid will be this month... some time... this month.)
I have a lot of excuses for why this is and they are great ones but let me just catch you up on what we've been up to for the past few weeks via this handy list. Lol, wow, this is lame. (NO RULES!)
-Bears ripping through dumpster starts to get pretty obnoxious
-Seahawks kick some pre-season ass
-Cats decide Luke's room is favorite pee destination
-Power clean cat's new favorite pee destination
-Cats continue. to. pee. in. LUKESROOMDAMNITDAMNITDAMNIT!!
-Contemplate how much we really enjoy the feline species anyway
-Luke starts to really laugh, like REALLY laugh, and this kid is always smiling
-Luke hasn't quite conquered rolling to his back but can just about sit up-right?? hmm
-Geoff and I celebrate our 5 year anniversary. 5 years since our wedding? WHAT?! How old am I?
-First family vacation and Luke takes his first flight!
-Luke is the worlds best flyer. Oh who am I kidding, Luke is the world's best, period.
-Geoff passes his 2nd swimming test for fire/dive rescue.
-Melanie leaves for Turkey for the year (held up in Seattle longer than expected... she's still there)
-Geoff's parents visit over labor day weekend and catch all the fish. I'm pretty sure it was all of the fish.
-Luke loves his 360 play saucer and Johnny Jump Up (THANKS UNCLE DREW!)
-Shalie officially says goodbye to last pair of maternity jeans. YOW!
-Geoff and Shalie appear in court for jury duty... together?
-Civil duty or not these ladies aren't gonna pump themselves -Shalie gets out of jury duty, but not before announcing to a court full of people why she wouldn't be a fit juror for the case... on the microphone... so EVERYONE could hear that I could lactate at any given moment. Thanks Luke, I believe this would be the second time you have gotten me out of a jam.
And one more event happened on August 19th that I feel deserves it's own little spot off the list and that was the birth of Miss
Bailey Annelise Hancock, born 7:55PM (Bonn, Germany time!), 3580g, 53cm long :) Kellen is now a big brother!?! I can't believe it! Time must SLOWwwww down. Congrats Julie, Matt, and Kellen we love and miss you more than you know.
Julie and Bailey |
Now I know you are all looking forward to some pictures of Luke and the fam but... yyeeeks THE VIDEO IS IN THE WORKS!!!!
To be continued...
-The Hageman's