Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sunshine with a side of mid 60's

The weather has been pretty icky lately so unfortunately we haven't gotten a lot of outdoor time. But when it's nice, DOGGONE IT WE ARE OUT. We go all winter long (all 9 months of it) wondering why any sane person would choose this life. Mostly that answer is two fold, 1.) 'Family', and 2.) 'Alaska has jobs!'. The answer 'Weather' is way down on the list after number 974.) 'Shopping'. The average rainfall in Ketchikan is 160 inches. We all know math makes me hive out but I'm pretty sure that is over 13 feet a year (right?). Feeeeeet. Our much coveted "liquid sunshine" record is currently 202.55 inches as showcased on our lovely rain gauge downtown, but inches of rain is nothing compared to consecutive days of rain. Light trickle or not, that is never fun. So I had to do a little research on that one because I swear I have lived through the worst stint of it, and wouldn't you know it, I have! In 1999 I survived a whopping 39 consecutive days of rain. 101 days in 1953... poor unfortunate souls. My family was in California in those days sunning our hair blonde. But HEY, you never have to shovel rain :) And you can indeed still play a full season of softball as well as build year round.

Geoff works his but off building homes in some of the worst weather known to carpenters. Turns out you can't build a roof in the rain though :D Lucky for Luke and I, we have had a few extra Daddy days scattered here and there in recent weeks. There have been a lot of Father-Son time going on and lucky for Mommy, a partner to help her with chores and dirty diapers woohoo! We have been doing some fun ones too though. Geoff built us a BEAUTIFUL headboard and also painted our front door, complete with new peep hole! I think we went a whole day where he was on one side of the house doing home projects and Luke and I were off on the other side doing projects as well. I am mastering the art of being one-handed. It is an art, and it takes a lot of patience and finesse but we're getting it. Since the sun has been making an appearance, I have finally been able to bring some of my projects to the deck. I learned that with practice, you can indeed sand a chest of drawers while holding a baby that can't even hold his own head up quite yet. On that note, just yesterday I did squats to polyurethane an oar that I had to lay flat on the deck, and today we went to the bathroom... not my first choice... my only one. And nooooo he wouldn't let me put him down, that was my first choice. Anyway, Luke and I have been enjoying the sun and drawing, sanding, staining,  painting, stapling, and sewing. It melts my heart when, "do you want to paint boy!", put's the biggest gummy grin on his face (he is smiling!) Plleeaassee love to do these things with me, Luke. 

I am certain of one thing he loves to do already, and that is CAMP!!! Our baby boy LOVES to be outside. On those long rainy days when all he has to look up at is the ceiling or his Mom and Dad's face obnoxiously coaxing him to smile, the endless view of tree tops and blue sky is mesmerizing to him. We were able to plop him next to a smoldering warm fire on his mat for long stretches of time while he cooed and smiled at the randomness of the outdoors. That's our boy. The worst part of the experience was packing and even worse... unpacking, as is true for all camping experiences ever. But damn it... forgetting the formula and a decent nipple? Shalie. You're lucky you were only car camping in Ketchikan or it would be sober-ville for you. A drink while you camp is a yes, so poor sweet Geoffrey not only went to town for a nipple, but went back a second time when we realized we didn't have enough formula.  Ya, we realized these things at different times. Couldn't have realized it at the same time of course, that would be too easy. Lesson learned. When all was said and done, we had one fantastic evening walking the lake, playing Head's Up (Ellen's new app haha) and playing ball with my brother Chris and his friend Mary. Absolute seclusion is only a short drive from your house around here so the rest of the family was even able to pop out for a quick visit before bedtime.

Ok. Pictures! Not necessarily all related to what I just talked about.

Luke dancing because in that moment he grew out of his first jacket.

Something else baby is slowing growing out of :( 

Slowly introducing the cats to the outdoors!! Tenakee's big moment. She likes it too much. She scares me.

Lou is a little more reluctant. That's is 'aww Mom, but my litter box is so convenient' look.

Add caption

Some Uncle Jesse time

Hanging with Auntie M and Gramma Bren

Why do most things that fit me have a monkey on them?

Pine cone trance

Video of Luke loving some black and white images :)

Until Next Sunday....

-The Hageman's

Monday, May 20, 2013

Guinness Book of World Records

Magnum -for Uncle Chris

WE DID IT!!! Ketchikan now owns the Guinness World Record for the Largest Rain Boot Race EVER!! On May 18th, 2013, 1,976 people showed up to the 3rd avenue bypass and walked, trotted, hobbled, jogged, stumbled, and ran the 1/2 mile stretch of higher Ketchikan. Luke registered, donned his "xtratufs", and wore his official wrist (ankle) band and he proudly slept his way across the finish line -'AndOne' he said as he crossed. Last year we did not make the record books, which was Ketchikan's first attempt. So every last one of us were extra encouraged to endure the extensive, often brutal line before us -  nice dogs fighting nice dogs, screaming kids on leashes, toddlers in spider armor costumes, Mom's in tutu's splattered in mud (will that be me?).  AND LET ME TELL YOU, the wait in the crowd for your wrist band to be counted.... much longer then the race. But it was a thankful overcast and a blistering 50 something  -ironic :) And it hailed the next day. Awww. Happy happy spring Ketchikan :)

Check it out! You can see my sis and I right off the bat. How can you possibly spot us in a world record sea of people you ask? Well Luke has his green balloon clipped to his sleeve, and it sure helped that the camera man was behind us. It's unfortunate about my backside but we're a work in progress here. WOOHOO! We did it!

Largest rain boot race: Ketchikan breaks Guinness world record

minus the heavy blanket, the over-head shield, and the rain coat insurance

Moody, Loughman, Ball, Hageman boot crew. I'd simply say xtratuf crew but Jesse is a rebel. 

Start Line
these boots weren't made for walkin' and that's just what we'd rather not do

Max, Mel, Luke, myself, and Cindy.  SO envious of Cindy's attire, how cute is she?!!!

I mentioned there were some "hobblers" HERE HE IS :) Good on 'em!.  The stumblers... well..... ask Zella.

Back up 5 hours.

Talk about perfect storm!!! Ugh. I'm frazzled, no sleep, blood shot eyes, vomit on my shoulder, OH! And there is in fact a storm outside. We had paid for, donated, and signed up to be a part of my friend's Walk for MS team for several months and today is the day. Well Luke woke up on the wrong side of the bed. (Yes, I say bed, because YES, sometimes just grabbing the kid out of his crib, plopping him to your side for an extra early breakfast while you snooze is just better for everyone). It was an hour until my alarm was to go off and a half hour until Geoff's. Alarms are becoming an obsolete amenity by the way. Luke was in the middle of a tear jerking trilogy of footy-pajama-destroying-explosive-diarrhea-blow-outs, and I'm slowly giving in to the assumption that sleep is ALSO an amenity. Walking out of my bedroom after 4 hours of sleep is like having been in hybernation for a season and and IT. FEELS. FANTASTIC. 
Ok so morning routine is done, coffee #2 guzzled and we're on to phase 19 or something... I layer Luke up into what I can only imagine being the ultimate new Mom 'this is what my son needs' outfit as two eyes peer out at me from behind a vast array of weather resistant materials. I'm all geared up in my leggings, running shoes, and light raincoat (hey, i might get hot! -what an ass right?). FINALLY! Plush little Luke in carseat, keys in hand, dog fed, cats fed, door locked. To the walk! Nooope. Someone pooped and someone is starving to death. Needless to say, we missed the walk for MS and I had to awkwardly and regretfully tell my friend my excuses, which after saying them, sounded very weak. I need to get better at this. We did however make it out there later to say hello which at that time everyone had already ran for shelter to seek out a chance to dry out and warm up. Happy spring Ketchikan!!! :D  We are tough son's of guns though. I saw THREE benefits out walking for a cause that day in their soaking wet, bright, over-sized tees in the sideways rain and not one person was too little or too fragile to endure it.  

Our Walk for MS Team Captain, Lauren Munhoven, with her beautiful daughter, Madeline.

I should take a moment here to say congratulations to my husband. He planned to be a part of the MS Walk with us today as well but ended up completing his scuba diving certification instead! He was supposed to get his cert the first week of April, but you know who else happened in April. The fire department and dive shop were more than happy to accommodate a new Daddy :) Congratulations hon. We are proud of you.

Our main squeeze, Geoffrey, all cert'ed up.

Here's just a few from the week...

Thanks Michael and Lindsay Swaim!

"Dad you're not going to help me run at lightening speeds with my hands and my legs again are you?"

"OMG I wasn't ready for that."

clean diaper moment


"Luke (Luck) Love's Lights"

And I apologize. I say I will post these every Sunday but I did not specify if you would be able to actually read them on a Sunday. My circadian rhythm has me conveniently set up to be a night owl so when everyone (meaning Geoff) is asleep, I will take that time to write. You will most likely be reading these on a Monday morning at best. If you have cases of the Mondays this should work out great :D 

Until Next "Sunday"....

-The Hageman's

Sunday, May 12, 2013

It was a HAPPY 1st Mother's Day

It's always a good thing when the first thing you hear (after your child's cries for food, a good long baby burp, a not-so-fun diaper change, gas cries, a much-more-pleasant dipe change) in the morning is your husband's demands to "stay in bed and snuggle with Luke for 15 more minutes then come and sit in the rocking chair with your eyes clothes, EYES CLOSED!".

AhhhhhIIIIII LOVE surprises!!! Capital-Large-Bold LOVE surprises. You will never hear me begging to know what you got me for my birthday and you will never catch me sneaking around the tree on Christmas Eve. Although yes, when I was 8 or 9 I did very cautiously and meticulously unwrap a gift in the privacy of a locked laundry room to disappointedly discover a ridiculous biblical figurine with a felt bottom ----yiiiig, 'did Mom not get the memo that I'm completely into SpaceJam this year?! What the! What IS this!?!'. I wrapped it back up perfectly and placed it back where I found it. What a bummer. Maybe that's where my love for surprises stem from. If it's a shitty gift, I'd rather wait, but if it's an awesome gift then it should be worth waiting for. Also, I am a huge fan of the gift receipt. The best gifts to me however, are the gifts that aren't bought at all. I like the thought, time, and effort put in to a hand written card, or a planned out evening for two (or three :)

Ok, back to Mother's Day...

After 15 minutes of snuggling accompanied by very new cooing sounds and smiley faces from Luke (heart completely melted), we moseyed out to the living room where I placed Luke in his bouncer and plopped myself in the rocking chair (EYES CLOSED). After Geoff scrambled around getting everything just the way he had planned, I was given the ok to open my eyes.

Breakfast, mimosa, cute as crap son. Home. Made. Card. Written by Luke of course. This is what makes me happy. I'm not a "things" person. I don't need "things" (although sure, who doesn't enjoy a new jacket or.... YET another animal.) I truely enjoy the simple things. Today that was the company of my son, my husband, my family, a whole lot of love, and some good food. 

Grandma Bren, Great Grandma Z, Mommy and her shoeless Son.

Grandma and Grandpa. There's his shoe!

Chris made Mother's Day dinner -mmm MM!

Oh and hey! A planned out evening for three! Nope.... Luke stayed with Grandma and Grandpa -his first evening away from Mommy and Daddy by the way. Geoff, Chris, and I had a much awaited meeting with the local theater. Starts with Evil, rhymes with Fred. 

It was a HAPPY 1st Mother's Day!!

(And I said I was going to keep the writing to a minimum...)

Until Next Sunday...

-The Hageman's

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

1 Month Old Luke (VIDEO)

This video was intended to be a part of our first blog post but my iMovie chops... well, I didn't have any until yesterday and today. It's my first iMovie project ever so I will get better at the whole music/image timing next time (which will be next month by the way). I would like to try to do at least one of these videos once a month so that our extended family fa faaa away can feel as though they aren't missing out on Luke. Hope you enjoy the video!

Happy 1 month to my new best bud and new love ...Luke. And Happy Birthday Grandpa Ken!! We sure love you.

Monday, May 6, 2013

The New Digs

Hi there dear family and friends!

As most of you may have noticed, I recently parted ways with my Facebook account in an attempt to create more mother-son time. For me, Facebook had become an unnecessary distraction and I found myself on the damn thing constantly! It was... ugh, a disgrace. I was a disgrace. What a time toilet.


I will continue to post pictures of Luke, Ruger, Lou, Tenakee, Geoff, myself, and all of our adventures, but it will instead be on this fantastic new blog without the distraction of other people's posts, updates, and farmville invites. I plan to make one new post one day a week. Lets make that day Sunday for now. What should you expect from this blog? Well if you weren't already widely, or even exhaustingly aware, Geoff and I love to take photos... a shit ton of photos. What we love equally as much as taking a shit ton of photos is sharing a shit ton of photos with our family and friends -near and far. So consider that your We Three Hageman's blog prelude -photos, photos, and a shit ton more photos. I don't consider myself the most entertaining of writers so I think I will keep that to a minimum (I think?) but do, however, prepare to be updated on our lives via a plethora of vibrant, beautiful, adorable, images (a photo journal of sorts, if you will)... most of which will look similar to this...

1 month old Luke

or this...
Buggies Beach with Uncle Chris and the dogs -Ruger and Max
even this...
Refuge Beach bonfire shenanigans 

but mostly this, this, this, and this...

Which is really what you came here to see anyway right? :)

Until next Sunday....

-The Hageman's